The following article describes the process of how to create a new Azure cloud connection in CLOUD TOGGLE.
1. From the left-hand side menu, click on Cloud Connections.
2. On the Getting Started screen, click on the Azure icon.
3. On the Azure Subscription screen enter in the subscription ID for the Azure subscription you would like to connect. To find this, log into your Azure account and search for Subscriptions:
The subscriptions in the Azure account are displayed. Locate the subsctiption desired and copy the subscription ID:
Paste this into the Subscriotion ID box in CLOUD TOGGLE:
Click on Next.
4. Navigate back into the Azure portal. In the correct subscription, search for 'App Registrations' and click on it to open the blade:
Click on New registration:
Enter in 'CLOUD TOGGLE' for the name and leave everything else set to the default values.
Click Register.
Copy the Application (client) ID and paste it into the Application (client) ID box in CLOUD TOGGLE.
Copy the Directory (tenant) ID and paste it into the Diretory (tenant) ID box in CLOUD TOGGLE.
Click Next.
5. In the Azure portal, in the App registration blade for your new app registration just created, Add a certificate or secret.
Click on New client secret.
Enter in a name for the secret and set the date for expiration to as far in the future as possible.
Click Add.
Copy the value of the secret.
NOTE: Ensure that the VALUE is copied, and not the Secret ID.
Paste this into the 'Secret Value' box in CLOUD TOGGLE.
6. Back in Azure, locate the subscription again that the connection is being set up for and click on it.
In this example, the subscription that the cloud connection is being made to is called 'Customer'PAYG':
Click on Access control (IAM).
Click on Add, and then Add role assignment from the drop-down list.
In the Job function roles tab (selected by default), search for 'virtual machine contributor'. Click on the Virtual Machine Contributor role.
NOTE: Ensure that 'Virtual Machine Contributor' is seclected, and not 'Classic Virtual Machine Contributor'.
Click Next.
Click on Select members.
Search for and select the CLOUD TOGGLE app registration created in the previous step (Step 4) above.
Click on Select.
Click Review + assign, and then click Review and assign again.
Click on Next in CLOUD TOGGLE.
7. Repeat the process in step 6 above, adding the Monitoring Contributor role for the app registration.
Find and select the app reistration for the members:
Click Review + assign twice to add the role.
Click Next in CLOUD TOGGLE.
8. Click on the Test Connection button.
When the connection is successful a green box will appear saying 'Credentials Valid'.
Click Next.
9. On the final screen click on ADD button to add the cloud connection. There is a toggle (set to on by default) which will fetch and add your cloud resources automatically. Turn this off if you plan to add your resources later on. Leaving it set to on will add all the supported resources in the Azure subsctiption.
10. Once the connection has been added it will show the overview of the cloud connection. There is no need to click on the UPDATE button on this screen. Navigate to Manage Servers in order to see the cloud resources (VM's) that have been imported into CLOUD TOGGLE.
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