The following article explains how to create email notifications in CLOUD TOGGLE.
1. In the side-menu bar in CLOUD TOGGLE click on Notifications.
2. Enter in a name for the notification. To enable the notificate ensure the toggle is turned on, and then set the 'Type' for the notification to 'Email'.
3. In the Email Config section, a list of users and teams are displayed. Alerts can be sent to the subscription owner, system admins, or members of particular teams. In the following example, alerts for this rule will be sent to Robert Thomas (owner), Dave Witherden (system admin) and all members of the QA Team:
4. The alert rule can be tested by clicking on the Test notification configuration button. If the alert is working properly then an email will be sent to the users and/or teams as specified above.
NOTE: Ensure that any junk/clutter or spam folders are checked in the event that the email isn't received as expected.
5. In the Choose Alerts section, the type of alerts to be sent for the alerts rule can be configured. Alerts can be sent for the following events, as shown in the screen shot below: Server start failed, server stop failed, cloud connection failed, cloud zone failure, user invitation accepted or rejected, user invitation expiring.
6. Choose the alerts that should be sent for the rule and then click on Update to save the it.
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